Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chinese censorship

This is why we protest today. Click on the Links to read the whole articles and then Protest!

The Olympic Press Centre in Beijing, pictured on 6 July 2008

The press will be accommodated in a high-tech facility in Beij

Journalists covering the Beijing Olympic Games will not have completely uncensored access to the internet, Chinese and Olympic officials say.

Sites related to spiritual group Falun Gong would be blocked, officials said. Journalists also found they could not see some news or human rights websites.

China enforces tough internet controls, but said when it bid for the Games that journalists would be free to report.

Amnesty International supporters at a protest demanding better respect for rights in China, in Mexico City on 12 July

In recent protests, Amnesty supporters demanded China respect right

The human rights situation in China has deteriorated in the run-up to its hosting of the Olympic Games this year, Amnesty International says.

It documents the use of "re-education through labour", the suppression of rights activists and journalists, and the use of arbitrary imprisonment.

A spokesman urged world leaders due to attend the Games, opening in 10 days, to speak out against the violations.